Shit Agent phones Roger Bannister
- SA:
- Right then, I'll tell you what, this is a good day for me, I've never actually
done any work radio I'll give this guy a go, see what happens, I'm sure
I'll settle into this like something...err...I'd settled into something
very easily, I don't know what I'm talking about.
(brrrrrringg brinnng)
- SA:
- Hello, Roger Bannister it's...I'm called Shit Agent, hello, hello
..these fucking phones are rubbish, a bloody cut off. Right I'll try again,
you know what I say "If at first you don't succeed, go to the pub" er ha ha ha,
Only joking, I didn't get where I am going to the pub, no I'll tell you now
when I get this guy sorted, come on you twat...Oh I've not even finished dialing
yet, I'm a bit impatient, a bit jumpy.
(brrrrrringg brinnng)
- SA:
- Hello, Roger, look don't put the phone down Shit Agent here...
look I've just booked Mark Radcliffe and that fat twat that he works with,
and I'm just ringing to say thank you very much on their behalf for giving
them the Breakfast Show...We're all very fucking grateful yeah...that's all
...Oh yeah, Roger just one more thing..just one thing struck me looking at the
contract...the hours are shit aren't they?....what seven to nine that shits stinks...
that's piss poor...what we were looking at more sort of erm ten to eleven, A-M
of course...what do you mean that wouldn't be the Breakfast Show then would it,
you sarcy bastard...I'm your average successful business man and I don't crawl out
of me pit till half tweleve so don't give me that's not even
fucking worth talking about...I've got you by the bollocks and you don't like it're a worm dangling on me fucking you fuck off...look I'll
give you 24 hours'll see sense...ring me back...hello....are you there?...
Oh you are there...fucking unusual...okay speak to you soon.
(Twenty-four hours later)
- SA:
- Fucking done it again haven't I...not to worry.
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