(Brrrrrring briiinng)
Hello BBC Accounts, it's Shit Agent here again, look don't put the phone down, I didn't mean what I said, listen look I've got to tell you now right...erm, what is it about me...erm, have I got 'I am a twat' written me forehead or something, cause that's how you treat me...yes it is...no don't give me any of that lip...or I'll come and batter you ...listen to me, just listen to me right....about two months ago...that's eight weeks... I had Ken Cutterbutt the manure sculptor and he's on Alan Pitchforks show you know... Pepper Mill at One...yeah alright I know about that...you've had an invoice for yonks and you've not paid it... right...now listen to me, do you think I'm a registered charity eh...now what it is you may have the invoice...it doesn't have Mr Manure, you can't send out invoices like that ...it may have Mr Shit written on it...which is like his business name,,,no don't give me that ...right...you're a twat and you're husbands a twat as well alright...okay...look listen you haven't paid me...you what...you've paid it...well thanks very much for your prompt payment...it's been a pleasure doing business with you, listen...bloody hell... I've been cut off again...Christ almighty.