(brrrriiiing brrrrrinng)
Come on you fucking idiot
(brrrriiiing brrrrrinng)
Fuck me. Hello is that Harvey Goldshit?...Harvey Smith nevr heard of you mate ....no fuck off, no fucking Harvey Goldsmith, erm fucking hell sorry mate don't know what's pocessed me, we got there in the end though eh! Anyway Harvey how are you doing me old fucker....Harvey...Oh bollocks must have got cut off...lets try again, let's give it another go then, fucking hell, christ almighty, no wonder my phone bills are astro...astromin...large. Christ almighty, he's a fucking idiot this guy, don't know why I bother, we'll never get anywhere, come on.
(brrrriiiing brrrrrinng)
Hello...listen mate...listen look I believe you mate, look it's nice to speak to you. I believe you're looking for a one legged man right, bat-eyed, no ears and rickets for Phantom Of The Opera well, I've got the man for you...he's absolutely fantastic ...he's called John Winston...right and he's a really really cool bloke right... well he's a picture and a professional, but I've got to tell you now right... he doesn't go out in this sort of work for less than four k...hang on I must speak in sort of normal terms...you're not used to this sort of industry speak, that's four thousand pounds to you mate...yeah I know what you mean... I know what you're talking about...but listen to me...no...that's the price mate... listen..fuck you...that's the price...now listen if you think...hang on a minute... what am I saying to you....just listen a minute right...if you thinkI'm going to fucking do that with you for that fucking price...you can fuck off now...Hello Harvey are you there? Oh fucking hell I've done it again.