Without a shadow of a doubt The Shirehorses have been one of the greatest
influences in the history of popular music. Where would we be without such classics
as You're Gormless, Hapless Boy Lard and of course Joe's Fucked Off.
Now for the first and last time you can own this very special collection of songs performed live by The Shirehorses at the Manchester Ex-Lax Arena on their final tour. Listen and marvel at the talents of this great band that everyone had to rip off. Also hear them perform unreleased songs Country Spouse and Roll With It with lots of top quality banter inbetween. For a limited period only you too can own this special recording with naff inlay card for the pricely sum of 190 of your hard earned pence (£1.20 - TDK D46 tape, 70p - 1st class Pie and Peas). And remember this tape is not available in the shops cause it's chuffing rubbish. Send your enquires to 6518176x@mmu.ac.uk. |